Primetech is one of the leading manufacturer and supplier of Tank Mixing Eductors in India with a wide range of rugged, reliable and efficient Eductors & Ejectors for different industrial applications. Over 600 products have been installed world-wide.
A form of Eductor is used to mix liquids or to agitate liquids in tanks, pits etc. These tank mixing eductors are static mixtures often used to mix/blend different liquids together in a tank. As a rule, eductor mixers can be used in all application where the liquid to be mixed can be delivered by a centrifugal pump.
The Tank Mixer Eductors are also employed for other important applications such as: Dissolving powder / solids in liquids Tank liquid mixing & heating using steam Mixing solids in liquid Aerating the tank liquid Keep solid particles in liquid suspension Dispersing gas in to liquid Mixing of liquids in neutralization basin
Very effective tank mixing combined with least maintenance enables the designers to select tank mix eductors to replace mechanical agitator system and devices.
Working Principle:
When liquid stored in the tank is pumped at a higher pressure through the eductor nozzle, the pressure energy is converted in to high velocity energy. The high velocity liquid discharge through the eductor nozzle imparts its momentum to the surrounding liquid in the tank. Thereby entraining the tank liquid through the suction openings of the eductors.
The motive liquid and entrained tank liquid as a mixed stream passes through the venturi, where intense mixing action takes place. The divergent tail portion of the venturi help is converting the velocity energy in to pressure energy, there by providing pressure to liquid stream to over come the static head of the liquid stored in the tank. The liquid mixture emerging out of Tank Mixer Eductor spreads out is conical form and entrains more liquid form its surroundings. The eductor mixing action establishes a circulating flow pattern in tank liquid. Application of these Tank Mixer Eductors eductor is limited by viscosity of liquid.
Advantages: Simple & Reliable Constrution No Moving Parts Longer Service Life Low Maintenance
Typical Installation:
For more details and technical spec, please download ourproduct catalogue.