Several processes require precision control of liquid temperature to achieve the right
product without degradation or denaturing. In such applications where dilution of the
liquids by water is not a concern, the liquid can be heated by the direct injection of steam.
Precision temperature control is possible in Primetech's DSI as the rate of steam injection is
not affected by pressure variation in the liquid stream (within reasonable limits). The steam
intake into the injector is solely controlled by the pneumatic actuator.
Applications: Wash Down / Hose Stations Shower Water Systems Biomass Treatment Commercial Dishwashers Heating Reactor Vessels Filter Washing Jacketed Ketteles Waste Water Treatment
Working Principle:
A temperature transmitter in the discharge line continuously relays temperature data to the local control panel (LCP). The LCP creates an electrical signal which is relayed to the Electro-Pneumatic transducer mounted on the Primetech DSI system. This electro-pneumatic transducer receives a steady compressed air supply. The transducer converts this electrical signal linearly into air pressure. This air supply activates the diaphragm actuators which control the steam supply through choked flow conditions.
At choked flow, the steam passes through diffuser orifices at sonic velocity. Under these conditions, the steam mixes excellently with liquid stream and achieve required liquid temperature at discharge.
Advantages / Benefits: Energy saving as a result of low pressure drop across the heater Low vibration & low noise level Sonic velocity of steam injection eliminates the formation of steam bubbles Improved process reliability Enhanced process flexibility Precise temperature control Compact design allows for minimal installation space requirements Eliminates harmful steam hammer Low maintenance costs Eliminates fouling or scale buildup